Adult Ministry

What is available for adults 
at Hope Church?

Sunday  Mornings

Sunday Service
Our Sunday service begins at 9:00 am and is our multigenerational gathering where we worship through song, prayer, and the preaching of God's word. Our church body meets together weekly to be equipped and encouraged while also holding one another accountable.
Sunday School
Sunday school begins at 10:30 am. This is the place where we take deep dives into God's word together. It is also a place where relationships are formed, and care groups are created to meet one another's needs. 

Wednesday Nights

Infuse Lawton
This group will prayerfully engage the city of Lawton each week.  We will meet for this class in various locations throughout the city at 6:30. Fill out the form below, or check out our social media for more information. 
Engage The Bible
In this class you will be actively learning to read the Bible.
Each week from 6:00-7:30 you will use your skills to read ahead and come ready to discuss what you learned that week. 
Precept Upon Precept
Precept classes are a great place to grow in your knowledge of God and His word, as well as learn the skills necessary to do inductive Bible study. Each class has a workbook that walks you through 5 days of study to prepare you for your class time. This study will be over Romans part 1. We will meet for this study on Wednesday night from 6:00 -7:30 pm. 


If you have any questions about our Adult ministry, please fill out the form below.
We'd love to hear from you.